Payroll management often requires manual tasks and customer processes vary. removes manual tasks and makes the process more automatic and efficient.
Customers and employees may effortlessly manage payroll data via dedicated user interfaces. Customers may send payroll data, inspect reports or modify employee details. Payrol manager can automate salaries that minimizes manual work and errors.
Customers are happy! That mean less churn and it is easier to acquire new customers. Payroll teams spend less time on manual tasks. This means better profitability and scalability.
Higher Profit and Better Scalability
Higher profit from payroll management.
1. Handle more salaries with lower fixed costs.
2. Lower churn: happy customers won´t leave and good reputation brings in new customers.
3. Profitable scaling of your payroll management business.
Automation removes manual steps.
1. Customers and employee participate to the process in real time.
2. Salary data delivery and messaging in-built. Security and privacy guaranteed.
3. Payroll manager work flows are efficient and daily work is easy to organize.

Automation Works for You
Automation helps payroll managers and their customers. Recurring salaries can be automated. Next period is automatically generated and ready for inspection and appoval. Customers can check the salaries and send comments to payroll manager. It is easy for a payroll manager to do the final check on salaries, and approve for payment.
Tax card data and validity is automatically checked in real-time from Tax Authority before any payments are made. No need for manual check anymore. Incomes register reports are generated and sent automatically according to approved salaries and payments. Reports to employers are generated automatically. Automation helps payroll manager and the daily work is less time-consuming.
All the parties save time and effort. Customer is happy! For accounting firm, payroll management is always profitable business.
The Best User Experience connects all the parties seamlessly. Accounting firm manages the whole process from its own user interface. All the customers and data in one view. Payroll managers can help and consult customers when they spend less time on manual tasks.
Easy-to-use customer portal can be used to send salary data to payroll manager. Messages and attachements are part of the service, security and privacy guaranteed. No need to use emails or separate archives. Employees may login via mobile to check or export their salary slips.
Everybody enjoys using!

Efficient for Payroll Managers and Customers
Payroll With Your Brand
Accounting firm may provide a branded payroll portal to heir customers. Payroll portal can be accessed from accounting firm website or it can be integrated to an existing customer portal. is built on open application interfaces (API) using modern SW technologies It is a future-proof platform; our software adapts to new requirements and integrations without big investments.
Our platform and APIs provide payroll technology and services for plethora of 3rd party financial management software and services, such as Accountor Group, Talenom and Holvi.

Get Started!
Setting up is faster and easier than with other software. There is no need for long implementation projects.
He help and guide during the whole setup. We train your payroll managers and help to move your customers to Customer portal is branded to match your visual style and brand.
Excellent software usability means less need for training. Payroll portal is designed for employees and entrepreneus, there is no need for training in basic tasks. Setup does not take valuable time of your customers and payroll managers.
Happy Users and Excellent Customer Service is genuinely pleasant to work with. Our user experience is rated high, NPS was 56! Our users rated the user experience and NPS was 56!
“The software is easy to use and their customer service is truly remarkable!”, Sole Jäntti, toimitusjohtaja, Tili-Seno Oy

Efficient Payroll Management
Automation: Recurring salaries are generated automatically to customer portal for customer inspection and comments.
Entrepreneurs may pay their own compensations with self-service in the portal.
Support for multiple accounting software and payment options. Customers may use different account software, we support them all.
Incomes register reports are genereated and sent automatically.
Effortless daily work flow for your payroll managers.
Versatile reporting: cost centres, holidays and leaves, customised reports etc.

Employee Mobile Service
Employees may check their playslips via the mobile user interface.
They may also edit all their employee data online.
Expence claims and travel costs (coming 2021)
Attendance, holidays and leaves (comin 2021)

Loved by Accounting Firms
Uncomplicated Pricing
Pricing is based on volume of salary payments. Pay as you go, no fixed costs.
Financial management firms set the pricing for their own customers.

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More than 15 000 employers and plethora of financial management firms use!