How Salaxy Works for Developers

Digitalization Payments Salary payment Salaxy

Salaxy is a salary payment operator. What does it mean for 3rd party developers and services? How can you integrate it into your service?

Salaxy Makes Salary Payment Easy

Salary payment is a complicated process if you start implementing it yourself from the scratch. You need to have, among many things, payments, digital identification, reporting interfaces to various authorities and archive for documents.

We have been developing our platform since 2013. First, we designed and implemented consumer service for household salary payment in Finland. service was opened 2014 and it currently has more than 10 000 users. Since 2015 we have been developing Salaxy platform. All the new functionality of salary payment is available for 3rd party services via open APIs. is nowadays just one of the services utilising the platform.

Salaxy as a brand is B2B brand. When you integrate salary payment into your service Salaxy is shown only as salary payment operator, it could be shown as ”powered by Salaxy” depending on your preference. Typically user interface makes clear distinction when responsibility is moved to Salaxy from the host service.

Legal responsibility of salary payment process will be on Salaxy. End-users are digitally identified and they must give power of attorney to Salaxy to handle their salary payment related processes. Net salary payment can also be transferred by the host service itself if preferred.

Developers and APIs

Salaxy platform provides an easy way to add the whole process of salary payment and employment framework into service, mobile application or server-side process.

The APIs provide methods for salary calculation, salary payment, taxation (withholding tax), pension payments (TyEL, YEL), unemployment insurance (TVR), accident insurance, and compulsory health care services. Salaxy has most common collective labour agreements (TES ), as well. Our TES model makes it easy to add new agreements when needed. Platform also provides accounting reports and more related services.

Check the Developer Site for APIs and documentation.

Currently, Salaxy offers Finnish salary payment service out-of-the-box. Our intend is to support other countries, starting with Scandinavian countries.

Salaxy is based on tested and widely used technologies. We want to keep it open and easily extendable. It is modular and offers different possibilities for integration. You can use directly low-level APIs or Angular components and other higher level functionalities, depending on your own architecture and needs.

Salaxy customers

Our customers are online banks, internet service and app developers, private employment agencies, media houses, and job portals. Please let us know what is your case and we will help you!

Salaxy API helps platform customers to offer efficient and real-time salary payment as part of their own user experience. We have implemented larger number of integrations to various services, e.g. Talenom solo entrepreneur service, Holvi mobile bank, salary payment service and Nordea household customers mobile app.

How to get started?

Typically, there is no need for a long integration project. You can start integrating functionalities to your service module by module. We recommend to first implement a working UI demo and then integrate APIs into your live service.

Check the Developer Site for APIs and documentation.

If you want to hear more, do not hesitate to contact us!

Read more

Salaxy Developer site and platform documentation for companies (in Finnish) for accounting companies (in Finnish)